Inspire employees to perform at a high level, increase work attendance, and drive team dynamics.

This $250 million logistics company was experiencing high leadership turnover which was driving low employee engagement.   Normal program best practices weren’t working and employee perception of the culture was at an all-time low.

After a full employee engagement and culture benchmark, the data told a powerful story. Rewards and recognition were available, but felt arbitrary to employees and didn’t speak to their customized needs. The company built a rewards program using the data to prioritize recognition opportunities that would truly drive connection and saw a 33% increase in employee engagement long-term.

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Client Impact Story

Understanding what actually matters to employees.

A $250 million logistics company was experiencing high leadership turnover, resulting in disgruntled employees and lower retention.

A forklift operator moves a pallet inside of a warehouse

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Step One

Identify the Opportunity

This multi-generational family business cared about creating great experiences for employees and wanted to use data to gain a deeper understanding of how to engage their employees in a meaningful way

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Step Two

Find the Solution

PATH set an Employee Experience Benchmark using multiple data points, including a company-wide survey that measured current engagement, ranking engagement predictors, and defining employee wants and needs. 

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Step Three

Take Action

From our deeper understanding of the culture, we developed a Manager Training, a multi-channel communication plan to help build a better culture, and an Employee Reward and Recognition program that standardized the experience across all locations.

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Step Four

Understanding Impact

Our pre- and post-implementation analyses showed a 33% increase in employee engagement across the organization after the new program rolled out. 


Data Defines Direction

Our comprehensive employee engagement and culture benchmark used surveys, in-depth interviews, focus groups and executive alignment to drive true cultural impact.



Employee Need to Understand Where the Company is Going

Organizations can be crystal clear about the future at an executive level, but we see clarity erode as you go through the organizational structure. Connection to company future can be an important driver of engagement.


Great Managers are Key to Connecting with Hourly Employees

Hourly employees can comprise on average 75% of the workforce for many supply chain companies. Good managers are key predictors of high engagement, and many companies find their manager’s don’t feel fully equipped to effectively manage.


Benefits & Rewards Have to Meet the Needs Employees Have Today

In today’s world, the employer plays a large and influential role in employee’s lives. Companies with diverse populations need to consider equally diverse rewards structures to meet the needs of employees and drive engagement.

Areas of Opportunity - Identified by Employees



Maintaining efficient employee engagement requires meeting and understanding the needs of employees - customized approaches drive real results. Through extensive Employee Engagement Research, a customized Employee Rewards Program will not only provide the best return on investment, but also strengthen employee relations within the company by making employees feel valued and heard. Employees who feel appreciated and see why their work matters are a stronger unit who can create meaningful connections with customers and drive competitive advantage.

A man stares at plans he has drawn out on a whiteboard