Grow revenue by understanding exactly who your customer is and what they want.

This medium-sized HVAC company was experiencing significant churn with membership-based service, even after updating the offering. The business wanted to understand the features that were the most compelling and who would buy them long-term.

After using the full PATH research process, it was clear the company had an awareness problem, not a service problem. They used our data to target their marketing resources to the right customers in the best way to drive growth.

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Client Impact Story

Empowering employees to better use resources.

One of our clients, a medium-sized private business, was experiencing significant customer churn of 37%.

An image of an Apple computer on a desk with a cup of coffee and cell phone next to it

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Step One

Identify the Opportunity

They needed data-based evidence to help them make strategic decisions on how to better deliver value to key customer segments.

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Step Two

Find the Solution

Our extensive voice of customer data, market analysis, and employee research identified strengths, areas of opportunities, and determined the unique needs of their customer segments.

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Step Three

Take Action

Through agile testing of new initiatives, management of potential new customers, and employee training we helped them drive more value for their customers.

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Step Four

Understanding Impact

Their churn has significantly reduced by 18% and they now have the pieces and tools they need to sustainably grow.


Data Defines Direction

Our extensive voice of customer data, market analysis, and employee research identified strengths, areas of opportunities, and determined the unique needs of their customer segments.



Opportunity With Current Customers

Often, our best opportunity to grow is within our current customer base. We defined how many people were actually using all 4 of the client’s services.

key insight three

Leverage Trusted Relationships with Employees

Employees should be your first stop for feedback about your customers. They can provide the best ideas for innovation and the first signs for potential customer issues. Partnering employee feedback with a strong customer voice program is the most effective way to holistically capture insights that will drive internal and external growth.


How to Convert through Word of Mouth

Across all clients and industries - even in our increasingly digital world - word of mouth is consistently the most important way potential customers vet your business.



In order to grow, companies need to broaden the types of customers they engage with on a regular basis. A common challenge of all successful mature companies is that in order to grow, you have to reach more market segments and customer bases.  By staying in a niche market you cut out opportunities to expand. Using data to clearly identify and prioritize the best ways customize your communications and operations to different markets can empower your team to get the best results. 

A photo taken looking up to the sky surrounded by tall buildings in downtown