BRAND tracking

Grow revenue by increasing brand awareness and identifying exactly what the customer wants.

A multi-million dollar company in the food service industry was seeking to understand how its brand was perceived in the market. The company wanted to find the best opportunities and strategies for growth. 

After using the PATH brand tracking process of secondary and primary research, it was clear the company had an awareness problem. Opportunities for growth were identified in areas of product development and targeted marketing based on geography and income. The company used our data and insights to develop marketing strategies and prove marketing return on investment.  

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Client Impact Story

Customers like the products, but don’t know the brand!

Customers who knew the brand loved the products, but not enough people knew of the brand. The awareness problem was limiting growth.

Group of people eating around a table full of food

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Step One

Identify the Opportunity

The company needed to improve awareness by understanding exactly what was driving customers’ decisions and where awareness was lowest.

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Step Two

Find the Solution

Our secondary research and digital survey of over 1,000 customers identified where and why there was an awareness problem. We further determined why customers were choosing other products and how this company could capitalize on that positioning.

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Step Three

Take Action

The brand tracking process highlighted the importance of finding characteristics that matter to every customer, regardless of segment. This helped the brand reframe its brand architecture and simplify its message to make it easier to drive awareness throughout the US.

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Step Four

Understanding Impact

Changes in marketing strategy and messaging are helping to drive brand awareness faster and more effectively. The company is continuously measuring awareness and perception through a brand tracker to make sure they’re learning more about their customers and turning it into action faster than the competition.


Data Defines Direction

With in-depth interviews representing all key customer types and over 1,000 national digital surveys across all key customer demographics, we were able to determine both unique marketing strategies and the most important customer segments. This helped the company decide which strategies would drive results and which wouldn’t.



Customers expect product customization

They want products that fit their unique needs and styles. Advanced analysis and statistical regressions prioritized the product characteristics that were most important to each customer segment.

A bar chart with 5 groups on the x-axis labeled Group A-E. Each group has 4 bars varying in height. Each bar represents a variable: Style, Functional, Price, Durable.

key insight two

Marketing strategy doesn’t have to be complicated

Marketing strategy doesn’t have to be complicated if you use data to prioritize what people want. The insights into the importance of product characteristics for each customer segment reduced the number and complexity of marketing messages the company used.


Geography matters

Geography matters when building marketing strategy. Our data identified what was driving the low awareness problem for each customer segment. We identified areas of opportunities based on where customers shopped, how often they shopped, and what motivated their buying behavior.



Understanding how your brand is perceived in the market is the competitive differentiator. Without it, you’re just guessing and hoping your strategies will drive growth. Brand trackers provide key pieces of information about customers that aren’t obvious to the market and competitors. They benchmark customer perceptions and behaviors so you can understand – without bias - how your business decisions are impacting your brand. While many companies rely on their guts to make business decisions that would impact their brand, using data provides a clear, predictive path forward to outperform the competition.

Three girls laughing together holding wine glasses